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Stanley's Tocht Ter Opsporing Van Livingstone de Aarde en Haar Volken 1873 by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9783849539788 List Price: $19.99
A Travers Le Continent Mysterieux: Sources Du Nil, Du Lac Victoria Et Du Lac Tanganyka (Fren... by Henry Morton Stanley, Stanl... ISBN: 9782012521599 List Price: $32.95
In Darkest Africa; or, the Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria Volume 1 by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781290140805 List Price: $34.95
Stanley's Tocht Ter Opsporing Van Livingstone de Aarde en Haar Volken 1873 by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9783849542153 List Price: $34.99
How I Found Livingstone : Travels, Adventures, and Discoveries in Central Africa, Including ... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781290109543 List Price: $38.95
My Kalulu, Prince, King, and Slave: a Story of Central Africa by Henry M. (Henry Morton) Sta... ISBN: 9781290254663 List Price: $30.95
Story of Emin's Rescue As Told in Stanley's Letters; by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781372210303 List Price: $23.95
Story of Emin's Rescue As Told in Stanley's Letters; by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781372210297 List Price: $13.95
Life, Labours, Perilous Adventures, and Discoveries of Dr. Livingstone, Nearly Thirty Years ... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781372254468 List Price: $30.95
Life, Labours, Perilous Adventures, and Discoveries of Dr. Livingstone, Nearly Thirty Years ... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781372254451 List Price: $21.95
Address of Mr. H. M. Stanley : On England and the Congo and Manchester Trade, and the Work a... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781360110455 List Price: $10.95
Address of Mr. H. M. Stanley : On England and the Congo and Manchester Trade, and the Work a... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781360110462 List Price: $21.95
Africa, Its Partition and It Future by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781360139739 List Price: $15.95
Africa, Its Partition and It Future by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781360139746 List Price: $25.95
Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781360481890 List Price: $22.95
Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781360481906 List Price: $31.95
Congo and the Founding of Its Free State; a Story of Work and Exploration; Volume 2 by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781361230435 List Price: $21.95
Explorations in Africa by Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham, L... ISBN: 9781362572510 List Price: $29.95
Explorations in Africa by Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham, L... ISBN: 9781362572473 List Price: $19.95
How I Found Livingstone; Travels, Adventures, and Discoveries in Central Africa, Including a... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781362681151 List Price: $35.95
How I Found Livingstone. . by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781362681687 List Price: $26.95
How I Found Livingstone. . by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781362681731 List Price: $35.95
How I Found Livingstone by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781362680857 List Price: $26.95
How I Found Livingstone : Travels, Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa: Including a... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781362680895 List Price: $35.95
How I Found Livingstone; Travels, Adventures, and Discoveries in Central Africa, Including a... by Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Mo... ISBN: 9781362681106 List Price: $27.95
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